Merry Christmas!

Hello to all our family and friends! We cannot believe it is Christmas again! Time seems to fly when you are busy with life. The year 2011 has brought a few changes for the Greenburg family and many great memories! We want to wish you all a happy and healthy Christmas Season. We are glad you took time to see just a little bit about what our family has been up to this year! Oh yeah, and please enjoy the Christmas music too.


Mark is finally in Dental School!!! We feel so blessed that Mark was accepted to his #1 choice. He did great his first semester at the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine and seems to have a real talent when it comes to carving teeth! Dental school takes up the majority of Mark's time, but he has been able to find balance and always makes time on the weekends to play with Lincoln and spend time with Melissa! Mark is the Financial Clerk in our new ward and spends most Sunday afternoons at church. In 2010 Mark had a spinal fusion - you can read about that awful experience here. Well, this past summer Mark had the hardware removed, hooray! He is excited to finally hit the slopes for some long overdue snowboarding!

The hardware taken out of Mark's back!


Melissa has finally become the CEO of her own company - The Greenburg Household (a non-profit company). These days she is busy cooking, baking, cleaning, doing laundry, running errands, paying bills, and most importantly running after our little Lincoln! Being a stay-at-home mom can seem pretty boring, but in reality there is always something to do! In our new ward, Melissa is the Beehive Adviser and really enjoys the youth! Melissa has also been working on her photography skills and DIY projects. (Basically she is addicted to Pinterest and wishes she had all the time and money in the world to be super crafty!)


Our little Lincoln turned the big ONE this year. We are so proud of our Stinker Bear (Melissa's nickname for him)! Lincoln keeps us on our toes. He is very curious and his little brain is always turning! Lincoln loves to play with his cars, going down the slide at the playground, pretending to drive the car, and reading books with Mommy and Daddy before bedtime. He also enjoys playing with the Ipad - he can even find his favorite games/puzzles and shows/movies all by himself - smart kiddo. His favorite TV show is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and he loves Despicable Me. We can tell he is going to be talking soon - he has full conversations with us in baby talk - so cute! Some of his words right now are: bye, see ya, lets go, all done, thank you, keys (first word), hi, baba (bottle), shoes, cookie, doggy etc . . . He is very good at pointing to body parts such as his belly button, nose, teeth, ears, and eyes and understands most everything we say! Lincoln also finally has some hair, but still has never had a haircut (he is 20 months old). Lincoln is now in nursery at church and his favorite part of nursery is the bubbles they blow at the end! We could not imagine life without our little guy or his contagious giggle! He really brings so much joy into our family!

Vacations 2011

Mark and I always love to get away! This year we had the opportunity to spend over 3 weeks traveling around the Eastern Untied States! We had such a blast spending time with family who live over that way. Lincoln really loves his cousins! We were also able to meet up with a family from Mark's mission. The highlight of the trip was staying at the Marriott's Ocean Pointe Palm Beach Shores Resort on Singer Island in West Palm Beach, Florida! We also went to Lake Powell this year with the Harkness side of the family. Lincoln had a blast fishing with Mark and playing in the sand! All the excitement and heat really tired the little guy out, (he seemed to take a lot of naps!) giving mom and dad lots of free time to go hiking, swimming, exploring, boating, water sports etc . . . As usual, we were also able to take a bunch of trips to Utah (4th of July and Thanksgiving) + (Melissa's frequent trips home while Mark is busy with school) and spent many weekends in the mountains of Colorado at the "mountain house".  Oh the perks of living by family!

Lincoln got to "fly" in the captain's chair on the plane!
Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia! This is where the movie "What About Bob" was filmed!

Mark and Lincoln fishing at Lake Powell

Enjoying the outdoors in Colorado!
At the Pool and beach in Florida

All greased up and ready to play in the water and sun!

We Moved! Meet Our New Home.

Yes - we did it! We took the plunge and bought a townhouse! We LOVE our new home. It is perfect for our situation and little family. It is located in Green Valley Ranch, an area in the city of Denver. It has been fun making this house our home. Melissa has enjoyed decorating/DIY projects and Mark has been very handy - drilling holes in walls to hang pictures/decorations and of course the TV, putting together new furniture, and a few other fix-up projects that are needed when you move into a new home (most important being the child proof locks on our kitchen cabinets!)  We are excited to have this home for the next 4 years while Mark is attending dental school.